Monday 10 May 2010

Question 4 - How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Other media technologies I used were a still camera and a video camera. I used the still camera to take my images for my DVD inside and outside cover and I used the video camera for footage on my music video. With the still camera I was able to get lots of images in different shot types. For example I had a range of shot types which went from Low angle shot’s on my artist to make him look superior to a long establishing shot of the park with the abandoned warehouse, which I used to set a mysterious setting. With the video camera I was very experimental. We put the video camera on a tripod so that the camera was held steadier when filming the band section of my music video. I also ran with the camera to create the effect of the camera being in 1st person. This was effective because it added intensity. I also put the camera on a tripod so that the shots were held steady. I could also adjust the tripod so that I could have high angle shots.

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