Monday 10 May 2010

Question 4 - How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

One media technology that I used to create my music video was Final Cut. Final Cut is a very advanced piece of editing software and was very capable at doing anything I wanted to my music video. First of all I placed all my shots throughout the video and cut them up according to the beat of the music. There are quick paced shots all the way through the song as the song is at a high tempo. One problem that I encountered when putting my footage on Final Cut was that I didn’t have enough footage. Therefore I had to go out and get more film so that I could use it in my music video. Another thing that was very useful on Final Cut was the unlimited choice of different effects. Therefore I have used many different effects on my music video. This includes flashing lights, split screen with two different shots, black and white shots, shots sped up and shots reversed.

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