Monday 10 May 2010

Question 3 What have you learned from your audience feedback?

I have had quite a bit of audience feedback which came from my teachers and peers. They told me what worked well and what could be improved, so I took onboard the feedback and improved my work. First of all I had to adjust the different shots so that they were exactly in time with the music. The shots could have been milliseconds out of time. I had to adjust the shots were the singer was a bit out of time with the lyrics, so I corrected the problem. Another bit of feedback I was told about was to speed up the shots. At first the shots were way to slow for the music. However I didn’t have enough footage to use to do this. So to overcome this problem I had to film more footage and then I had to use it to speed up my shots so that it was in time with the music. One thing that I had to do on certain shots was to add effects because the actual shot may have been disturbing to viewers e.g. the shot were I am injecting a needle into my arm. So I put a blur like affect on this so you could not make out the needle pretending to go into the arm.

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