Monday 10 May 2010

Question 4 - How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Another media technology I have used to create my DVD covers and Poster advertising the band was Adobe Photoshop. This piece of software was very useful and I was able to create my DVD covers and Poster exactly how I had planned them down on Paper, with a few better adaptations. I had the ability to choose any font I wanted from and I could download this font and then use it in Photoshop. Photoshop allowed me to use my photos which I had taken. With a few of the photos I took which were of different band members, I used the blur tool so I could blur the images together. This made the separate images look like there together thus creating the effect of the band members being a band. With other images like an open field with a warehouse I used as a background image for the outside of my DVD cover. With an image of me standing against a wall I didn’t want the background in it so I used the magic wand tool to get rid of the background and keep the photo of me so I could stick it onto another Image. This worked well because it fit into my bands genre better. I had to make my DVD cover look like a real one so therefore I included a bar code on the back as well as small print, record label and a copyright logo.

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