Friday 30 April 2010

Question 4 - How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

I have used a lot of media technologies throughout the making of my music video and ancillary tasks. I have learned how to use the media technologies successfully throughout the creation of my music video and ancillary tasks. The media technologies which I have used include a video camera and still camera, Final Cut and Photoshop.

Question 4 - How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

I have used a lot of media technologies throughout the making of my music video and ancillary tasks. I have learned how to use the media technologies successfully throughout the creation of my music video and ancillary tasks. The media technologies which I have used include a video camera and still camera, Final Cut and Photoshop.

Question 2 - How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts

I feel that the combination between my main product and ancillary task is very effective. In my music video I have used lots of shots of the band members performing. On my album cover I have used images of the band. This matches up well as the audience can recognise that the band members in the music video are the same characters that are on the album cover. In my music video there are allot of shots of trees and the environment. It shows that the band members are more focused on the music than the way they represent themselves. So I have put images of trees and the location of an abandoned changing room’s onto my album cover.

Question 2 - How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts

I feel that the combination between my main product and ancillary task is very effective. In my music video I have used lots of shots of the band members performing. On my album cover I have used images of the band. This matches up well as the audience can recognise that the band members in the music video are the same characters that are on the album cover. In my music video there are allot of shots of trees and the environment. It shows that the band members are more focused on the music than the way they represent themselves. So I have put images of trees and the location of an abandoned changing room’s onto my album cover.

Question one - In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products

I have followed conventions of real media texts by making the audience look up to the band members and idolize them. To do this I have used many different types of shots including close up shots of the ban performing and in particular using close up shots of the lead singers face. This is so the audience want to aspire to be them. I have used the fig rig circling round the band members, this makes them stand out and look important. Low angle shots are very important in my music video this is because it makes the audience look up to the band members. The band members have all the status and power.

Question one - In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products

Godwin's Theory

Another theory which I have looked at is Godwin’s theory. His theory is amplification of the lyrics of the song. So to put this theory in our music video, we looked at the lyrics and decided how we can match a shot to represent that lyric. For example when the song says “Tarantula” I showed a picture of a spider spinning on a turntable. Another way we used this theory was when the lyrics “shotter, hitter, serial killer” were sung I chose to show drug abuse. This was a main theme in my music video and is shown throughout the video.

Question one - In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products

Bordwell and Thompson Theory

I have looked at different theories and one of these is Bordwell and Thompson’s rhythmic theory. Part of this theory is cutting the shots on in time, on the beat. Seeing as my song is of a fast tempo so the shots need to be very fast. Fast paced editing was essential to make my music video form a convention of real media text. So every time the song was on the beat I cut to another shot. The speed of the editing also needed to be changed. This is because there are build up sections of the song which acquire a build up of fast paced editing, gradually getting faster.

Question one - In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products

I have shown many ways which my Music Video uses, develops and challenges real forms of media texts. I have looked at many different media texts to develop my own music video. First of all I created a Music Video and to this I had to look at other bands with the same genre of music. So I looked at bands like Pendulum, Prodigy and Faithless with the genre of drum and bass. So in my music video I have focused a lot on the lighting and always trying to capture natural lighting in the shots where the characters are outside. This is a convention of real media texts. Another way which I have challenged forms of real media texts are through the location and settings in my music video. I have chosen to have the band performing on a stage like their performing to the audience; I have also put the band members in the same sort of costume so that the audience know that they are a group. Other locations in my music video include remote, isolated areas. These areas include being in the woods and in small dark spaces, this also adds mystery to my music video. This is shown in other media texts e.g. Prodigy with the song Invaders Must Die with the location set in an isolated area in the country.