Tuesday 8 December 2009

Magazine Advert

My magazine advert is very illustrated with a little bit of writing. At the top of the advert I have the number of stars given by other magazines and how they like the new album. So I have put 5 and 4 stars by the other magazines to show that the album coming out is really good.
At the moment my advert looks like it’s in the genre of gothic or grunge because of the dark colours that I have used. So instead of using a black background I would use the colour blue. Also the titles are in red and so is the pathway up to the house so I will change that colour also to white.
At both sides of the advert there are to trees and most leaves have fallen off of the trees. There are still leaves to hit the ground which I have chosen to show that when the last leaf hits the floor that’s the time the album will be released.
I have chosen to put lots of spiders on the front cover to represent the new song “Tarantula”. The spiders are coming out from a house in the woods for more of a spooky effect.

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