Tuesday 15 December 2009


After the intro was completed for our music video we had to edit the rest of the video. First of all we shortened the song because it was to long and the footage we took would have been to repetitive if we kept the song at its full length.
When editing I put allot of clips of the band performing into it and also allot of clips of drug use.

Friday 11 December 2009


Now that I have finished the planning for my inside and outside DVD cover and my DVD magazine I began to create my DVD magazine on the software Photoshop. This was the first time that I had ever used Photoshop but I still feel that I have started of working really well.
The first thing that I did was divide my page up so that it had a spine down the middle and each side was the same. After that I downloaded a font from the website www.dafont.com. The font that I downloaded was suitable to my genre of drum and bass. After I chose the font I inserted it down the spine of my DVD magazine.
The next thing that I did was typing in the song names on the back cover of the DVD.

Tuesday 8 December 2009


For the re-filming we did on the 4th of November we had to make sure that we had the correct props. So James brought in some proper drum sticks as before we had to use the xylophone ones as they were the only sticks available, so that didn’t look realistic. Andy also brought in his bass and electric guitar so that we could use them as out instruments and we borrowed a microphone, two amps and a drum kit from the music department. We also decided to wear smartly dressed clothes e.g. shirt and jeans. With the correct props and costume we were able to successfully film what looks like a real band.

Re - Filming

We re-filmed the band sequence as the last part of filming that we had to do. We met up on the 4th of November after school in PDH. We got a different boy to be the singer who did drama so he would fit in well with the way the singer would act, I was on the guitar, Andy on bass and James on the drums.
We used lots of different shots of each band member individually and as a group. We used the fig rig for most of the individual performances so that we could get close up moving out to mid shot. Also so that we could go from high to low angle and vice versa.
Georgina was controlling the lighting which was very good as she shone the lights on the band members in time with the beat of the song. This filming session was very affective as we got allot of useful footage that we could put into our music video.

Outside Cover DVD

For my front and back cover for my DVD I have used the band name “South of the Drop” on the spine and on the front, posted on a sign. Behind the sign there are the characters of the band but they are blurred out to show that the band members are not that’s what is most important. I have trees in the background which relates to my music video and I also have spiders coming out from the trees.
On the back cover I have an overlapping collage of images of the band at the top of the page. Underneath that I have the DVD songs number 1 – 12. The song names relate to the drum n bass genre.
Underneath that I have a bar code and Sony and BMG entertainment which is the record company.

Magazine Advert

My magazine advert is very illustrated with a little bit of writing. At the top of the advert I have the number of stars given by other magazines and how they like the new album. So I have put 5 and 4 stars by the other magazines to show that the album coming out is really good.
At the moment my advert looks like it’s in the genre of gothic or grunge because of the dark colours that I have used. So instead of using a black background I would use the colour blue. Also the titles are in red and so is the pathway up to the house so I will change that colour also to white.
At both sides of the advert there are to trees and most leaves have fallen off of the trees. There are still leaves to hit the ground which I have chosen to show that when the last leaf hits the floor that’s the time the album will be released.
I have chosen to put lots of spiders on the front cover to represent the new song “Tarantula”. The spiders are coming out from a house in the woods for more of a spooky effect.