Tuesday 29 September 2009

Low Budget Films

•Colours (mise-en-scene)
•Paint - Cheap Materials
•Effects, Multiple screens
•Different coloured screens
•Fast paced
•In time with the music

•Reverse, slow motion, repeat
•Cheap mise-en-scene, school girl in school uniform
•In time with the drum beat girl is swinging her hair
•Mise-en-scene - juxtaposition girl
•Cutting to the beat

Tunng - Jenny Again
•Acoustic guitar
•Camera - establishing, point of view, hidden identities
•mise-en-scene - very green and natural, countryside, natural light
•Sound - repetitive sound
•Narrative based

Hifana - Banzai Cooking
•Bright colours, blue
•Sound Effects when fighting with swords
•Diegetic sound
•Variety of shots
•Funny humour

These low buget music videos show different ways which you can make a music video with hardly any money. The music video "Jenny Again" shows that you can make a good looking music video by the way the lighting is shot in the frame.

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