Wednesday 30 September 2009

Pendulum Slam


This is a questionaire i used on 10 different people of different age and different ethnic background. I collected the results and made an analysis from it.

Tuesday 29 September 2009

Shooting Schedule 2

This is the second draft of the shooting schedule as people could not make the times for the first shooting schedule.

Shooting Schedule 1

This was my groups first shooting schedule but we had to make another one because not all the people could make the set times.

Band Image

These images show what the band wear and shows how they perform giving my group ideas of what we are goin to wear when we are filming are music video.

Song Lyrics

The tarantula,
Time for the massive come
sing ya
Blad tarantula
Don't play with my style I
might sting ya
Blad tarantula
You want me inject me
And if ya body goin’ stiff
And your spine
goin’ numb
Now come fi get some...

Massive! Time
to fix you up something here right now!

Shotter, hitter, serial killer
Go-a your funeral and all
drink out your liquor
When you are bury we a-stand next to
the vicar
Fling on some dirt and make your bury a little
Shouldn’t test the youth them in the Tommy
Hug up ya mama, say sorry to ya poppa
get number for ya little sister
It true we cold lïke
alaska, freezer





[Chorus] x2

Low Budget Films

•Colours (mise-en-scene)
•Paint - Cheap Materials
•Effects, Multiple screens
•Different coloured screens
•Fast paced
•In time with the music

•Reverse, slow motion, repeat
•Cheap mise-en-scene, school girl in school uniform
•In time with the drum beat girl is swinging her hair
•Mise-en-scene - juxtaposition girl
•Cutting to the beat

Tunng - Jenny Again
•Acoustic guitar
•Camera - establishing, point of view, hidden identities
•mise-en-scene - very green and natural, countryside, natural light
•Sound - repetitive sound
•Narrative based

Hifana - Banzai Cooking
•Bright colours, blue
•Sound Effects when fighting with swords
•Diegetic sound
•Variety of shots
•Funny humour

These low buget music videos show different ways which you can make a music video with hardly any money. The music video "Jenny Again" shows that you can make a good looking music video by the way the lighting is shot in the frame.

Genre of Band

As mentioned before, as a group we decided to use Electronic Rock/Drum n Bass as our chosen genre for our music video. Our song choice is "Tarantula" by Pendulum.

We decided upon the genre of Drum n Bass after our original choice of Reggae fell through due to the need of extravagant/exotic locations and so on.

Roles Within the Group

Andrew – Organizing Musicians to come and perform in the music video in the Live Music sections.

Georgina – Maybe acting as “character” in the narrative sections of the Music Video. Also in charge of organization (such as Shooting Schedules).

John – In the video as the DJ (using the decks as heard in the track). Also planning about the image of the band. Most imagery within the storyboards.

James - Filming and editing.

Monday 28 September 2009

Madonna - Frozen Powerpoint

I watched a music video "Madonna - Frozen" and i analyzed it on its genre, editing, Godwins theory and what type of audience is this music video being appealed to.

3 Songs from different Genres Analyzed

To make image bigger please click.This is a table showing three different genres of music which was most popular from my questionnaire. I then chose a well known song from that genre and then analyzed it.

Thursday 24 September 2009

Bordwell and Thompsons four categories of editing

Draws upon mise en scene and cinematography,
Graphic match – linking shots by graphic similarities,
Graphic continuity – centre of interest constant throughout the cuts
Graphic discontinuity – juxtaposition of centre of interest.

Considers the duration of each shot.

Mise en scene – how it is established.

To do with time – is it like a film ? is it in chronological order ?

This is Bordwell and Thompsons four categories of editing which gives me some ideas on the editing i can use when i edit my music video.